Don’t let this year’s work resolutions fall by the wayside.
This year, look at your career and set some measurable goals that you can track. Here are some for the new year that will make it your best work year yet!
Update your resume
Make it a work goal for the year to review and edit your resume, even if you don’t plan on applying anywhere. It’s always best to update your resume periodically before you lose track of the information you need.
Create a new professional connection per month
There’s no downside to increasing the size of your professional network. Try to find at least one person per month to add to your LinkedIn connections.
Improve your LinkedIn profile
LinkedIn is crucial to your overall personal brand. Just like your resume, you need to keep the information, tone, and look of it up to date.
Get a new professional headshot
Depending on your career, your profile photo may be casual or professional in its nature. The key is to select a photo that is high quality.
Send a thank-you note each month
Each month, think of someone who did something nice for you. It could have been a LinkedIn recommendation, an introduction to a valuable networking connection, a free lunch, or a small, kind gesture at the office.
Volunteer for a cause you care about
Find a cause that is meaningful to you and sign up to contribute. If you can get your office to make an official event of it and recruit co-workers to volunteer with you.
Clean out your e-mail inbox
Your email inbox is probably flooded with old, useless emails. Organize your email files, sort those emails, and delete what doesn’t need to be there anymore.
Make it a priority to stay healthier at work
Take the stairs. Get up and stretch every hour. Test out a standing desk. Meal prep the night before so you don’t feel the need to rush through lunch. Think small and you’ll find that those little things add up.
Now that you’ve made your New Year’s work resolutions, let’s get it done!!